Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cheese, Brats, Beer, Polka, Unions! The Homegrown Revolution in Wisconsin | The Nation

Cheese, Brats, Beer, Polka, Unions! The Homegrown Revolution in Wisconsin | The Nation:

Cheese, Brats, Beer, Polka, Unions! The Homegrown Revolution in Wisconsin

   “My family comes from Oconomowoc and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my dad from the tradition of
   Joseph McCarthy and my mom from that of Robert La Follette, so I have been well educated
   in the tensions between reactionary and progressive populism, the poles of our politics down
   to thepresent. The Tea Party is the rising counter movement against the rights gained in the
   sixties and thirties, including the rights of teachers, cops, firefighters and all public sector workers
   to form unions and bargain collectively. In response to the attacks on these rights by Governor
   Scott Walker, a great social movement has arisen this year in Wisconsin on which the future of
   America, and the next presidential election may depend.”
                  —Tom Hayden, from a speech to the Democracy
                   Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, August 24

Madison—Thousands marched to the Capitol steps and through the massive rotunda on August 25, “black