Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blue Jersey:: Ed Reform 101 Extra Credit: Leonie Haimson

Blue Jersey:: Ed Reform 101 Extra Credit: Leonie Haimson:

Ed Reform 101 Extra Credit: Leonie Haimson

This morning featured an extended story in the Star-Ledger examining Chris Cerf, and his record as Deputy chancellor of NYC schools. Cerf has been appointed to be acting New Jersey Commissioner of Education by Gov. Christie, and is intent on implementing many of the same divisive policies that have been tried and failed in New York City, including charter school co-locations and expansion, and teacher merit pay linked to unreliable test scores.

He is also now embroiled in the same sort of conflict of interest charges and allegations of dishonesty that marred his time in NYC. As Bob Braun of the Star-Ledger has written,

"Newark residents want reform but they also want a say - all parents do. When decisions about their children are made behind closed doors by billionaires who believe they know what's best for them, they have a right to be concerned. They also have a right to rely on the law."

As a result, a prominent NJ State Senator, Ron Rice, says he will block Cerf's nomination:

"Acting Commissioner Cerf prevaricates. He doesn't tell all truths...He may be here now, but he