Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yale Study: Hispanic Women Have Different Type of Breast Cancer? - Hispanically Speaking News

Yale Study: Hispanic Women Have Different Type of Breast Cancer? - Hispanically Speaking News:

Yale University Study: Do Hispanic Women Have Different Type of Breast Cancer?



Photo Credits: Breast Cancer Amongst Latinas

Yale University researchers will examine biological factors in Hispanic women in hopes of one day developing a test to detect breast cancer very early, with research funding announced today by Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The $270,000 training grant is part of Komen for the Cure’s $66 million investment in new research, patient support and scientific conferences in 2011. Komen has spent more than $685 million for breast cancer research in its 29 years, making it the largest non-profit funder of breast cancer research outside of the federal government.

“Our research investments are geared to bringing results to the table – and soon – for the most difficult questions in breast cancer,” said Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The Yale research is led by Nita Maihle, Ph.D., who will look for biomarkers that could detect