Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why Rick Perry’s Entrance into the GOP Field is Bad News for Ed Reformers | Scathing Purple Musings

Why Rick Perry’s Entrance into the GOP Field is Bad News for Ed Reformers | Scathing Purple Musings

Why Rick Perry’s Entrance into the GOP Field is Bad News for Ed Reformers

I suppose I should admit to seeing myself as an oddball. When compared to my friends whom have joined me in opposing the corporate/test-based reform movement, I enter the battle with a different resume. While its true I’m a public school teacher who is pro-union (Full disclosure: I will receive retirement benefits from the Major League Baseball Player’s Association in addition to those I will receive from Florida’s pension system) I have actively written in support of republican candidates. I also opposed Barack Obama’s candidacy. My transformation to the perspective I write from now was abrupt and epiphanic. The alteration of Florida’s education system by Rick Scott and his ideological privatization allies in the legislature was abominable in it’s heavy-handed treachery.

I’ve neither forsaken nor lost all past allegiances and philosophies and have been following republican presidential politics with interest. Today’s entry of Texas Governor Rick Perry into the race has the potential to