Sunday, August 21, 2011

When Test Results are the Only Thing That Matter | Scathing Purple Musings

When Test Results are the Only Thing That Matter | Scathing Purple Musings

When Test Results are the Only Thing That Matter

Florida’s education system has been test-based for as long as any state’s. So much so that parents have begun to accept that fact that it’s the only thing that matters. And who can blame them when they become incredulous over the results?

Writes parent and widely read columnist, Wendy Victora in the Northwest Florida Daily News:

When I told my family I was moving to Florida 15 years ago, my brother questioned why anyone would want to move to here.

The father of two young girls at the time, my brother pointed out the reputation of Florida’s education system as well as the heat and humidity that are a fact of life here.

I ignored him and his opinions. And I still believe that my children are getting a good education in