Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Thorough Takedown of Vouchers in Colorado and Why it Matters in Florida | Scathing Purple Musings

A Thorough Takedown of Vouchers in Colorado and Why it Matters in Florida | Scathing Purple Musings

A Thorough Takedown of Vouchers in Colorado and Why it Matters in Florida

Perhaps I misread Emily Sirota. Her August 2 Huffington Post piece was filled with ed reformer “excuse” taunts and led me to draw the conclusion that she, too, was on the market solutions bandwagon. But anyone who posts such an effective dismissal of vouchers and the motivation of their backers while outing an advocacy group with a cleverly misleading name is worth mentioning.

Sirota’s piece speaks to Denver’s voucher fight and the details she provides mirror facts on the ground in Florida. Writes Sirota:

Make no mistake about it: my longtime opposition to vouchers has always been driven by the cold