Monday, August 22, 2011

Team Perry Member/TEA Commissioner hypocritically calls out Sec Duncan for being political « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues

Team Perry Member/TEA Commissioner hypocritically calls out Sec Duncan for being political « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues

Team Perry Member and TEA Commissioner hypocritically calls out Sec Duncan for being political

The Dallas Morning News ran an editorial supporting Robert Scott in criticizing Secretary Duncan for being political and untruthful in his criticism of Texas education.

This is like the pot calling the kettle black. Commissioner Scott routinely plays politics at TEA , especially in the area of pres releases and statements. Having lived in Texas from 1970 through 2011, I can say that Commissioner Scott has been the MOST politically driven Commissioner that I can remember.

Let’s look at some examples:

Recently, TEA released a press release noting a Texas A&M study of charter schools. The report had some very sloppy methodology that resulted in the finding that charter schools do not worse academically than other