Tuesday, August 9, 2011

States Are Suddenly Redefining Expectations for Their Teachers - US News and World Report

States Are Suddenly Redefining Expectations for Their Teachers - US News and World Report

States Are Suddenly Redefining Expectations for Their Teachers

The public school revolution Michelle Rhee helped start is quietly taking root across the country.

Richard Whitmire is author of The Bee Eater: Michelle Rhee Takes On The Nation's Worst School District.

Something extraordinary played out recently after D.C. schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson announced she was firing roughly 200 teachers for poor performance. Nothing...mostly silence.

In this situation, silence truly is extraordinary. When Michelle Rhee was chancellor of D.C. schools, her teacher firings triggered street demonstrations organized by multiple unions and contributed greatly to the defeat of the mayor, Adrian Fenty, who appointed Rhee. The