Monday, August 1, 2011

#SOSMarch Ravitch, Darling-Hammond: why we protest | Thoughts on Public Education

Ravitch, Darling-Hammond: why we protest | Thoughts on Public Education

Ravitch, Darling-Hammond: why we protest

What headliners at Save Our Schools told the marchers
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

The heroes of teachers’ rebellion against No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, and high-stakes standardized tests fired up the thousands of teachers at the Save Our Schools March in Washington on Saturday.

“We protest the imposition of business values in education. We protest the idea that principals and teachers will work harder if they’re offered bonuses and if they live in fear of being fired,” author and education historian Diane Ravitch told those assembled at the Ellipse preceding their march to the White House. “Carrots and sticks are for donkeys, not