Friday, August 26, 2011

Side Note: An Inspiring Commencement Address From Steve Jobs

Side Note: An Inspiring Commencement Address From Steve Jobs:

Side Note: An Inspiring Commencement Address From Steve Jobs

I love commencement addresses. They close out the end of one part of life — a brief, intense period of learning as you turn the corner from young adulthood to discovering who you are in your own skin. They launch new beginnings full of hope.

You might wonder why an education news site would feature the commencement address of Steve Jobs, head of Apple and college dropout. Just think about that: Jobs is a college dropout and yet head of one of the most paradigm-changing companies in the world, with internationally-known products that touch every part of your life.

Right now we’re in a moment of economic flux. The response from many in the education field is to clamp down on learning and “accountability” out of fear. Fear that kids won’t learn, or be able to get a job, or have no skills. Numbers, data, test benchmarks are all held up as exalted signs of success or failure for both teachers and their