Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Schools Matter: Steve Brill = Corporate Shill

Schools Matter: Steve Brill = Corporate Shill:

Steve Brill = Corporate Shill

Randy Shaw has a number of things to say in this piece about Michelle "Erasure" Rhee and the defensive posturing of oligarch education reform, but my favorite part has to do with the new book by corporate stooge, Steve Brill:
When I saw notorious anti-teachers union Steve Brill had a book on education on the front-page of the August 21 New York Times Sunday Book Review, and that the review was written by a private school teacher who has problems with unions, I assumed the worst. But this book by a legal entrepreneur with no educational background failed to even convince a sympathetic critic that teachers unions are the problem with American education.

As reviewer Sara Mosle writes:

“Yet Brill wants us to believe that unions are the primary – even sole – cause of failing public