Friday, August 26, 2011

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Scott Oki's Solution Looking for a Problem

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Scott Oki's Solution Looking for a Problem:

Scott Oki's Solution Looking for a Problem

A story in Crosscut ("The Parents Union: A new force for education reform?") describes an effort by Scott Oki ("self-described 'serial entrepreneur' and community activist") to form a "parent's union" to counter the strength of the teachers' union and promote public school reform in Washington State.

What an idiot.

Mr. Oki has no idea what he's doing or what he's talking about. The article makes that pretty clear.

* He says that the teachers' union blocks reform, but all of the other folks in the article acknowledge that the WEA is supportive of reform.

* He says that the problem is bloated central bureaucracies, but the teachers' union didn't create and doesn't