Monday, August 22, 2011

A Ruling that Makes Charter Schools Accountable to Taxpayers | Scathing Purple Musings

A Ruling that Makes Charter Schools Accountable to Taxpayers | Scathing Purple Musings

A Ruling that Makes Charter Schools Accountable to Taxpayers

On the heals of Rick Scott’s ill-advised pep rally last week for 200o charter school educators, comes news that an Ohio court has ruled that the state’s charter schools must abide by state law and make public decisions they make with taxpayer money. From the editors of the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

It took a Franklin County judge to make Ohio law perfectly clear to for-profit charter school operators: Despite years of lax oversight by Ohio education officials, they must follow the law.

Although Ohio’s community schools are privately operated, their finances — which come from taxpayers — cannot be shielded from public scrutiny or oversight.