Wednesday, August 31, 2011

RheeFirst! - Aw shucks, Rhee First. T'wern't nothin'..


Aw shucks, Rhee First. T'wern't nothin'..

Written by Mike Klonsky for his SmallTalk blog. Read the entire article here.
“I got credit today for coining the term RheeFirst by the authors of the blog by the same name. …

If there’s some kind of monetary award, I will accept it proudly and use it to buy the next round over at the Heartland Cafe’s Buffalo Bar. Instead, somehow, all it’s done is put me in the middle of dust-up between the broom lady, Rhee, Politico and the AFT. Until today, I haven’t been a regular reader of RF and was never that concerned about the anonymity of its author(s). So I was taken by surprise when Huffington’s excellent ed writer, Joy Resmovits called to ask me if I was aware of the mention.

She told me that Rhee’s front group, Students First (have you noticed that the corporate reformers always put students or kids in the names of their front groups?) is going after the RF blog, calling it an “attack blog” and pinning it to the union.

Politico’s Ben Smith reported last week, “that an anti-Michele Rhee website had been set up from an IP address registered to the American Federation of Teachers.” Today, Smith quotes Rhee’s SFers who are “disturbed” at the lack of civility around the whole debate. …

“There are a number of disagreements between teacher-union advocates and student advocates about the future of the our schools that deserve