Friday, August 26, 2011

Rahm vs. The Chicago Teachers « Edumacation Archive

Rahm vs. The Chicago Teachers « Edumacation Archive:

Rahm vs. The Chicago Teachers

It’s been nearly a year since I posted to this blog. I frankly considered it done. I continued to leave it up for those who found previous postings useful while I used satire to comment on education elsewhere. Satire is something I’m good at, but it doesn’t do a great job of encapsulating all my feelings at this particular moment.

What I really want to do is teach. I got into education after working nearly 10 years in the private sector. I got a bachelor’s degree in history and made the rather unusual jump to broadcasting. I got into teaching just before programs like Teach for America hit, so I moved back home for 2 years and took classes in education while taking a huge pay cut to work at a comic book store because the hours worked around my schedule. It also gave me the opportunity to look after my dad as he suffered through the Alzheimer’s Disease that finally took his