Monday, August 8, 2011

Poverty and Testing in Education: “The Present Scientifico-legal Complex” |

Poverty and Testing in Education: “The Present Scientifico-legal Complex” |

Poverty and Testing in Education: “The Present Scientifico-legal Complex”

[Part I: Poverty]

Jim Taylor has entered the poverty and education debate by asking U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and billionaire/education entrepreneur Bill Gates a direct question:

“I really don’t understand you two, the U.S. Secretary of Education and the world’s second richest man and noted philanthropist. How can you possibly say that public education can be reformed without eliminating poverty?”

Taylor’s discussion comes to an important element in the debate when he addresses Gates: “Because without understanding the causes of problems, we can’t find solutions,” explains Taylor, adding. “You’re obviously trying to solve public education’s version of the classic ‘chicken or egg’ conundrum.”

Here, recognizing the education/poverty debate as