Monday, August 29, 2011

Pension Call Tuesday: Representative Elaine Nekritz. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Pension Call Tuesday: Representative Elaine Nekritz. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

Pension Call Tuesday: Representative Elaine Nekritz.

Northbrook Democrat Elaine Nekritz.

Last year many teachers began wearing red on Tuesdays to show and win support for public education.

It was a great idea. But after a while it seemed as if the only ones who noticed my red t-shirt were the kids I taught on Tuesdays.

Last week we began Pension Call Tuesday.

A reader suggested that I pick a member of the Illinois General Assembly and we would all call or email that member on Pension Call Tuesday.

This week my choice is Representative Elaine Nekritz.

Nekritz, a liberal Democrat from Northbrook, sits on the House pension committee.

In the Spring session she was one of the Democrats who voted to support SB512, the three-tier pension reform bill, voting the bill out of her committee.

You can contact Representative Nekritz here.

Our message: No reduction in teacher pension benefits. Uphold the Illinois Constitution. We have always paid our share. The state has not. Promises to teachers must be promises kept. Vote no on any version of SB512.

If you would like your representative to the Illinois General Assembly to be the recipient of a Pension Call Tuesday, just send the contact info to me. Phone number and email address.