Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Things are getting hot! Update on rally and letters from Verizon and CM Cabreras

NYC Public School Parents: Things are getting hot! Update on rally and letters from Verizon and CM Cabreras

Things are getting hot! Update on rally and letters from Verizon and CM Cabreras

Things are heating up. Speakers at tomorrow's rally will include elected officials, labor leaders, and parent and teacher activists. Be there or be square!
What: Rally and Protest
Where: Murry Bergtraum HS, 411 Pearl Street, Manhattan (4/5/6 or N/R to City Hall / Brooklyn Bridge)
When: Wed. August 17, 2011 at 5 PM
Why? Verizon is shortchanging their own workers and stealing from schoolchildren! Say no to more giveaways to private contractors and more wasted spending on technology while our class sizes are increasing! Tell the PEP to vote down the Verizon contract with the DOE!
UPDATE: Meanwhile, Verizon has sent a letter to members of the Panel for