Wednesday, August 3, 2011

NYC Educator: Don't Say That it Can't Get Any Worse

NYC Educator: Don't Say That it Can't Get Any Worse

Don't Say That it Can't Get Any Worse

You'll have to excuse Miss Eyre for being a bit of a Debbie Downer today. Yes, I'm just back from a vacation in more tropical parts and I'm continuing to enjoy summer break, and I'm even starting to get those happy back-to-school butterflies as I order a few new professional books and pick up my (NON-CITY-COUNCIL-SUBSIDIZED, THANKS GUYS) whiteboard markers and correcting pens. But I can't help but feel general dismay, malaise, and pessimism, mostly because of those clowns in Washington (and "clowns" is, believe me, the most family-friendly term I can use, or rather substitute for my usual terms, in this blog). "When I look at the world, I am pessimistic," admitted humanist psychologist Carl Rogers, "but when I look at human beings, I am optimistic." I'll be doing a lot of looking at human beings, it seems, as