Friday, August 5, 2011

NYC Educator: And Good Morning to You, Too

NYC Educator: And Good Morning to You, Too

And Good Morning to You, Too

I run hot and cold on Gotham Schools, but I can't deny that the headlines they link to every morning are what the public sees, assuming the public reads the local rages. The ones from the Post are largely surreal, and show few signs of relenting. Today's link, by a young genius who gets paid to write this stuff, suggests we should hope for a cheating scandal. This, apparently, will show teachers stink, and will be a great victory for Mayor Bloomberg's "reforms."

Because, you see yet again, the only factor that has any relevance whatsoever in test scores is the teacher. It's you me, or that other lowlife down the hall. Home life is of no importance whatsoever. Unemployment,