Thursday, August 4, 2011

Media’s take on the Save Our Schools Rally and March | Dissident Voice #sosmarch

Media’s take on the Save Our Schools Rally and March | Dissident Voice

Media’s take on the Save Our Schools Rally and March

We know the media sucks when it comes to reporting real news with real facts and real analysis. Liberal media personalities, like Olbermann, Shultz, etc. are as pathetically vacuous in their reporting and analysis as well, if in a different way.

People are going ape shit over Keith Olbermann’s Four Great Hypocrisies About the Debt Deal.Yet nowhere does he put any responsibility of the crisis on the Democrats, or even Obama. Apparently, it’s not important or newsworthy that it was Obama who originally called for cutting into Social Security, not the Republicans. It was a Republican financial mess from beginning to end. It’s all their fault.

But playing to their base is what they do. Fox appeals to conservatives and hate groups. Keith, Ed, Rachel, et al. cater to bourgeois liberals.

There is a nascent movement growing to fight for public education, to reverse the attacks on teachers, calls for equity in funding and an end to high stakes tests that do absolutely nothing to help students learn and, in fact, force the dumbing down of curriculum in order to make AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) rather than face the fate of takeover by a private corporation. There’s a lot of money to be made in privatizing what was once public