Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Matt Damon « Teachers Fight Back

Matt Damon « Teachers Fight Back

Matt Damon

I received many e.mails and notices on Facebook from my teacher friends who were elated at the video showing Matt Damon defending teachers during an interview with a reporter. I haven’t seen this many teachers so excited about something since they heard No Child Left Behind was on the way out. It’s almost as if teachers were desperately looking for some public figure to finally say something in defense of teachers. I find this really sad. Is this how downtrodden, defeated and depressed teachers are ? It was almost as if these teachers were shocked to see someone stand up for them instead of criticize them.

I think we need federal, state, local, and school district laws forbidding the bullying of teachers. We already have laws to combat the bullying of students, now it’s time for similar laws regarding teachers. All the teachers I