Tuesday, August 2, 2011

“Let them eat tests” | Scathing Purple Musings #sosmarch

“Let them eat tests” | Scathing Purple Musings

“Let them eat tests”

Texts from the many speeches that were given last weekend at the Save Our Schools March have begun to trickle in. Valerie Strauss posted the remarks of Stanford Education Professor Linda Darling-Hammonds last night.

The Stanford professor helped candidate Barack Obama draft an education plan, then served as an advisor on his transition team. The president clearly never considered much of what she said as she has spent the last two years vigorously opposing the administration’s test-based policies. Darling-Hammond mocks today’s school reformers - with a tip of the hat to Marie-Antoinette - by characterizing the message they’ve been sending the nation’s children as, “let them eat tests.”

Our leaders seek to solve the problem of the poor by blaming the teachers and schools that seek