Monday, August 15, 2011

Learners ≠ consumers « Cooperative Catalyst

Learners ≠ consumers « Cooperative Catalyst

Learners ≠ consumers

Pillow fight by Indabelle

Pillow fight by Indabelle

Since returning from #ISTE11, I’ve struggled with writing about education. Given the tanked economy, our retrograde, juvenile government, and the epidemic breakout of strong-man/yes–man/straw-man educational dictatorships, I’ve felt a bit like Margot from“All Summer in a Day.”

We are living and working in a playground battlefield.

It’s insane.

In response, we need to make our classrooms sane places, where evidence of joy, learning, community, excellence, and authenticity are self-evident. We need to make our classrooms places where the cause-and-effect of what we do logically interrelate inside and outside the room – where learning isn’t a false scarcity and school isn’t a dealer’s