Sunday, August 28, 2011

EDUCATION: A report from the Save Our Schools weekend - Letters - #SOSMarch #AskArne

EDUCATION: A report from the Save Our Schools weekend - Letters - Rochester City Newspaper:

EDUCATION: A report from the Save Our Schools weekend

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In case you missed it, the same weekend Congress tortured us with an eleventh-hour default standoff, thousands of parents, teachers, and education leaders gathered for a call to action on educational policy. Organizers of the Save Our Schools weekend met over four days for events that included workshops, a congress, and a march of about 5000 people. We came to address not just an education crisis, but current government policy that shows a profound lack of judgment about and respect for the field of education.

No one argues that public schools are fine the way they are. What's being protested is how policies like "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" are attracting privatization monies that systematically demonize teacher unions and shut out parent and teacher voices in tackling what should be our shared goal of improving schools. (Read about the co-location sagas playing out in New York City schools under mayoral control. Watch the newly released film "The