Monday, August 22, 2011

Did Rhee and Hall consult the same playbook on how to respond to news of cheating?

Did Rhee and Hall consult the same playbook on how to respond to news of cheating?

Did Rhee and Hall consult the same playbook on how to respond to news of cheating?

Written by Maureen Downey for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Read the entire article here.
“I have to wonder if all school chiefs follow the same playbook when confronted with catastrophic evidence of cheating in their districts: Dodge, deny and dismiss.

It did not work for former APS Superintendent Beverly Hall, and it isn’t working for Michelle Rhee, the ex DC chancellor who is now confronting her own Erasure-gate as the result of a well done USA Today investigation.

In fact, some of Rhee’s defenses are exactly what Hall offered up to the AJC after its accounts of likely cheating