Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Kos: Please consider this:

Daily Kos: Please consider this::

Please consider this:

Of last year’s 100 highest-paid corporate executives in the United States, 25 earned more in pay than their company recorded as a tax expense in 2010.

Those 25 firms reported average global profits of $1.9 billion. Among the 25 were Verizon, Bank of New York Mellon, General Electric, Boeing and eBay.

That's just pay. It does not include additional benefits.

You can read about that in this New York Times story, itself based on a study released today by the Institute for Policy Studies.

To further irritate you, also consider this:

Eighteen of the 25 firms last year operated subsidiaries in countries that the U.S. Government Accountability Office and other groups have identified as tax havens, one of the report’s authors