Saturday, August 13, 2011

Daily Kos: Not for the first time, I am really ashamed of my country

Daily Kos: Not for the first time, I am really ashamed of my country

Not for the first time, I am really ashamed of my country

I have just finished read How America criminalised poverty by Barbara Ehrenreich.

I have seen the effects of poverty when I volunteer in free health and dental clinics, not just in the mountains of SW Virginia, but also in Springfield VA, in the DC metro area.

Some would say I should be used to it. Thank God I am not, that I am still upset when I encounter it personally, or read about it as I did today.

Ehrenreich is revisiting the topic that led to her best selling book, Nickled and Dimed. Two selections from early in this essay:

The big question, 10 years later, is whether things have improved or worsened for those in the