Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daily Kos: Let us remember Dr. King appropriately - he would not have remained silent

Daily Kos: Let us remember Dr. King appropriately - he would not have remained silent:

Let us remember Dr. King appropriately - he would not have remained silent

fortunately, editorials in 2 major newspapers today can help with that.

In The Boston Globe we can read in King Memorial celebrates a leader, not just a symbol the following:

So let’s be clear: Without King, the black uprising would have been far more furious and more painful for African-Americans; even in the darkest days, he reminded his followers of their faith in God and in the American Dream. For white people, especially the timid moderates at whom the Letter from Birmingham Jail was aimed, a more violent uprising would only have deepened the racial wedge. It took King’s rational, but urgent, appeals to make enough whites understand what was at stake.

But there is more, both in this editorial, and in that of The New York Times.