Monday, August 1, 2011

Daily Kos: I should be asleep, but I have these questions:

Daily Kos: I should be asleep, but I have these questions:

I should be asleep, but I have these questions:

if the proposal negotiated this evening becomes law because sufficient Democrats vote to support it in the House and the Senate (and it will NOT pass in the House at least without a substantial part of the Democratic caucus) can I still consider myself a Democrat? Should I resign from the National Democratic Club? Should this website still be dedicated to the purpose of electing Democrats if the end result is an abandonment of basic Democratic principles?

You know what? I cannot answer that question.

Not yet.

Many of the Progressives I know are more than ready to walk away from Obama right now.

Many of the Democratic House members with whom I am acquainted, including members of the CBC, are more than pissed at the White House.

I sometimes wonder, as I noted in my previous diary this evening, if the war to save public education is already