Friday, August 5, 2011

Can most USA families afford to pay for their children's school lunches?

Can most USA families afford to pay for their children's school lunches?

Can most USA families afford to pay for their children's school lunches?

Sacramento : CA : USA | Aug 04, 2011
VIEWS: 209
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US President Barack Obama speaks as First Lady Michelle Obama looks on before signing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
US President Barack Obama speaks as First Lady Michelle Obama looks on before signing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act

Many families can't afford to pay for school lunches & don't take time to pack healthy food for kids. Back-to-school means that the average parent may not be able to afford to pay for school lunches for children, particularly if they have several children. In Sacramento's San Juan school district, if you have a child in elementary school, a child in middle school, and a child in high school, that means each day you pay for each child's lunch $3.25 for your middle school child and $3.25 for your high-school age child. School lunch prices rising but you won't see kids taken on field trips from farm to factory