Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can Garrison Keillor Help Us Find Middle Ground on NCLB? | Scathing Purple Musings

Can Garrison Keillor Help Us Find Middle Ground on NCLB? | Scathing Purple Musings

Can Garrison Keillor Help Us Find Middle Ground on NCLB?

I oppose NCLB’s reliance on standardized testing as the barometer to measure what is successful and what’s not. But I enjoyed reading what the editors of the Montgomery Advertiser are thinking and it may signal where the middle ground might be on NCLB.

They assert that NCLB has been successful because of clear measurable improvements in their particular area, but point out that AYP calculations are where NCLB has to be changed. The Advertiser’s editors use a famous aside used by radio show host Garrison Keillor to explain:

The strength of NCLB is its emphasis on all students. Prior to NCLB, schools could claim success