Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bernie Sanders On ‘Immoral’ Debt Deal: Time For Big Money Interest To Contribute To Deficit Reduction | Mediaite

Bernie Sanders On ‘Immoral’ Debt Deal: Time For Big Money Interest To Contribute To Deficit Reduction | Mediaite

Bernie Sanders On ‘Immoral’ Debt Deal: Time For Big Money Interest To Contribute To Deficit Reduction

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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is considered alion on the left by progressive individuals who feel that the Washington political class are slaves to corporate interests and the super wealthy who can afford lobbying efforts on their behalf. So his reaction to the weekend’s debt deal compromiseon the senate floor should not surprise anyone, but his hypercritical language of the deal agreed to by the White House and his Democratic colleagues is still worth considering, regardless of one’s political beliefs.

Sanders called the deal “immoral,” “unfair” and “grotesque” before insisting that the “big money