Thursday, August 11, 2011

Batman and Robin and Ignoring the Education Success Models You Tout | Scathing Purple Musings

Batman and Robin and Ignoring the Education Success Models You Tout | Scathing Purple Musings

Batman and Robin and Ignoring the Education Success Models You Tout

(What follows is a re-publish of my March 27, 2011 post titled Batman and Robin Starring in “Pay No Attention to that Model We’re Ignoring.” To understand the context it was written, the reader should know that I wrote this during the spring 2011 Florida legislative session in the run-up to the passage of SB736, the state’s radical education reform bill. My love of satire inspired me to frame this as a circa 1960′s Batman and Robin episode. I use the speech from South Korea’s Minister of Education that StateEdWatch’s Sean Cavanaugh reported on in March as the basis for my post. South Korea is one of the success models that corporate school reformers cite to justify their agenda.

As Florida rushes along at break-neck speed toward testing as a final solution, another model sure to be ignored by Florida’s Republicans comes from South Korea. The nation’s former minister of education, science