Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bartleby Project 2011: Do not take your state tests!

This is a call to all American students to write on your State Exams this school year: "I PREFER NOT TO TAKE YOUR TEST" ... and just sit there. No arguments. No violence. Just write that statement.
Bartleby Project 2011!!!!

Click to join the Bartleby Project if you are an American public school student: (or you can follow it via facebook or twitter here, too)

Bartleby Project Background (John Taylor Gatto):

Underground History of American Education: www.johntaylorgatto.­com/­chapters/­index.­htm

John Taylor Gatto:

"The Bartleby Project begins by inviting 60,000,000 American students, one by one, to peacefully refuse to take standardized tests or to participate in any preparation for these tests; it asks them to act because adults chained to institutions and corporations are unable to; because these tests pervert education, are disgracefully inaccurate, impose brutal stresses without reason, and actively encourage a class system which is poisoning the future of the nation." - John Taylor Gatto

Deschooling Society (Illich):