Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are Smart People Getting Smarter, or Just Better at Taking Standardized Tests? - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Are Smart People Getting Smarter, or Just Better at Taking Standardized Tests? - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Are Smart People Getting Smarter, or Just Better at Taking Standardized Tests?

isaac_newton_hdJonah Lehrer has a piece up touching on a recent study examining the “Flynn Effect” which describes increases in the IQ of populations over the past several decades. Lehrer suggests several factors which might be leading to increased intelligence, including a more complex and intellectual culture, with more complicated TV shows like Lost and the various “cognitive workouts” aired on HBO.

Alex Knapp begs to differ. His alternative hypothesis? Far from a more intellectual culture, he notes the rise of standardized tests:

As far as I’ve been able to tell, standardized test use in schools has increased since the 1960s and that use continues to grow apace. I’d suggest that as standardized tests are used more in schools, students get better at

A Pitch for the Creators of ‘Parks and Recreation’: Do an Episode About Lemonade Stands

ron swansonI often ask myself this question: “What Would Ron Swanson Do?”

The question bubbled up recently when I wrote this piece on the war on lemonade stands. All across the country, local governments are shutting down the lemonade stands of five and six-year-old kids who are operating without a license.

Now, many Americans probably don’t realize that in order to sell lemonade outside of your house or down the street you probably need a food handler’s permit, or a peddler’s permit, or a vendor’s license, or some other piece of paper or the cops will shut you