Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Education Matters: Wall Street Journal: S&P Affirms Some Student-Loan ABS

All Education Matters: Wall Street Journal: S&P Affirms Some Student-Loan ABS:

Wall Street Journal: S&P Affirms Some Student-Loan ABS

When the country faced the debt ceiling fiasco, AEM discussed what could have potentially happened if the U.S. defaulted on its debt. I also talked with several experts, and the analysis was grim. Then S&P downgraded us, even after we raised the debt ceiling, and it remained to be seen how that would impact student loans. That was discussed from the vantage point of the market place, i.e., how would investors respond to the downgrade, what that could potentially do to variable interest rates on student loans, and what the would mean for people seeking student loans. More importantly, however, I wanted to touch upon the way it could affect current borrowers.

The outcome still remains uncertain, but the WSJ provided some information on S&P's ratings of student loan