Friday, August 19, 2011

All Education Matters: Thomas Friedman Suggests We're Not Working Hard Enough - Are You F*$@ing Serious?!?

All Education Matters: Thomas Friedman Suggests We're Not Working Hard Enough - Are You F*$@ing Serious?!?

Thomas Friedman Suggests We're Not Working Hard Enough - Are You F*$@ing Serious?!?

Does Mr. Friedman live under a rock? In a recent puff piece, he tries, with all of his intellectual might, to explain why people need to study harder, work smarter, and adapt quicker (his words, not mine). It's like that whole "work smarter, not harder" platitudinous bullshit I used to hear at jobs I had in corporate restaurants and department stores.

He begins by discussing the recent global uprisings, calling them all part of an "information technology revolution," and concludes that it is the "most important trend in the world today."