Saturday, August 6, 2011

All Education Matters: Quick Post: Book Recommendations - Getting a Grasp on Neoliberalism

All Education Matters: Quick Post: Book Recommendations - Getting a Grasp on Neoliberalism

Quick Post: Book Recommendations - Getting a Grasp on Neoliberalism

If you want to get a grasp on the political and economic structures behind neoliberalism, I recommend the following book:

David Harvey's A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford University Press, 2007) - Harvey does an excellent job of demonstrating how capitalism informs everyday life, both at the micro- and macro-levels. Michael J. Thompson wrote a good review of Harvey's work when it first came out in 2005. Thomspson also contextualizes Harvey's intellectual development by referring to earlier publications. Moreover, Thomspon is correct in asserting that Harvey wishes to drive home an important Marxian point, i.e., capitalism is not merely about money and economic markets. Instead, capitalism is a driving force in modernity. Neoliberalism, in my view, is the terrifying