Friday, August 26, 2011

All Education Matters: Leaving DC, And Already Planning A Return Trip

All Education Matters: Leaving DC, And Already Planning A Return Trip:

Leaving DC, And Already Planning A Return Trip

As many of you know, this trip to D.C. has been enormously productive. I will be providing a detailed report on what I accomplished, whom I met with, where I was when the earthquake hit (ha!), and so forth. This trip has made me realize that I need to return for another one in October or thereabouts (What I really need to do is relocate to the East Coast. It's going to happen. I will get out of exile in Texas, but I am not sure when).

As for this next trip to D.C., I don't want it to be solo. I get lonely in those long, marble corridors, so having company would be very much appreciated - a Blackberry is no substitute for human interaction. That means we have to come up with a strategic plan that will enable people to join me and walk the halls on the House and Senate side to meet with our leaders and demand change.

One of the things I am going to bring up on my return trip is this: why not go after these schools for