Monday, August 8, 2011

2011 Test Scores: No Time to Celebrate « EdVox

2011 Test Scores: No Time to Celebrate « EdVox

2011 Test Scores: No Time to Celebrate

The citywide test scores for New York’s public school students were released today, and Zakiyah Ansari from the NYC Coalition for Educational Justice had the following statement in response: “While it is of course good to see scores going up rather than down, a 1.5 point increase in ELA and a 3.3 point increase in math is no reason to celebrate as we struggle to get out of this educational crisis. Any statistician will tell you that when you grade an entire school system on a single test, scores are bound to go up slightly over time. Yet the Bloomberg Administration seems intent to celebrate this nominal change while our racial achievement gap remains as wide as ever and far too many of our students are left unprepared for college.

We now know that – of the 4th graders who took their first state test when Bloomberg took over the system in 2002 – only 13% of Black and Latino students