Friday, July 1, 2011

Why I am Marching in the SOS March in July (other than to sweat my nuts off) | Mr. D’s Neighborhood

Why I am Marching in the SOS March in July (other than to sweat my nuts off) | Mr. D’s Neighborhood

Why I am Marching in the SOS March in July (other than to sweat my nuts off)

Trust me, the last place you want to be in late July/early August is the District of Columbia.

It’s hot and sticky, with a haze that saps you of your dignity as you drench through layers of clothing. The huge, wide boulevards leave little, if any, shade for comfort. Hilly neighborhoods outside Downtown turn a sidewalk stroll into the Bataan Death March.

And don’t look to the Metro subway system for relief; the genius who laid out the stations made it so that everything’s at least a half-mile from each station—just enough to sweat through your shorts and overpower the

Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action