Thursday, July 28, 2011

When Profiteering and Union-Busting Repackaged as School Reform | MyFDL

When Profiteering and Union-Busting Repackaged as School Reform | MyFDL

When Profiteering and Union-Busting Repackaged as School Reform

Teacher's Desk (photo: Pikaluk on Flickr)

This is one of those stories that shows how far some people will go in America to make a buck—even if it means profiting at the expense of children, or exploiting the legacy of the civil rights movement.

Stand for Children is an unassuming name for an organization. Just taken at face value, one would conclude that the Portland, Oregon-based nonprofit aspires to accomplish what the title suggests. Their website says SFC is “an innovative, grassroots child advocacy organization. Our mission is to use the power of grassroots action to help all children get the excellent public education and strong support they need to thrive. Our members believe we need to stand up for our children now – particularly for their education from pre-school through high school –