Saturday, July 2, 2011

Walker Responsible for MPS Devastating Layoffs « Larry Miller's Blog

Walker Responsible for MPS Devastating Layoffs « Larry Miller's Blog

Walker Responsible for MPS Devastating Layoffs

The MPS layoffs are not due to an act of God. they are the results of the unGodly acts of Scott Walker and the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

Milwaukee’s kids, families and communities are meant to suffer while Walker hopes teachers are blamed.

MPS is losing an estimated $54.6 million in general state aid in the new fiscal year – a 9.3% cut and MPS will take an estimated $53.4 million loss in state aid going to the school voucher program, resulting in layoffs of 519 employees.

These cuts are Scott Walker’s cuts, meant to devastate Milwaukee’s communities. At the same time he is giving tax breaks, contracts and access to Wisconsin’s resources to corporations and the rich.

Read the following MJS summary about Walker’s draconian policies:

Nearly every Wisconsin school district to see cuts in state aid

By Karen Herzog of the Journal Sentinel July 1, 2011