Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Urban Teacher's Education: #SOSMarch in DC

An Urban Teacher's Education: SOS March in DC

SOS March in DC

Today was the Save Our Schools March on Washington. The park service said that as many as 8,000 people attended, mostly in red.

I arrived early and listened to people read powerful passages about the negative impacts of the attempted standardization of schools. Then came the big time speakers. Linda Darling-Hammond spoke first, but I missed her because I was explaining to tourists near the Washington Monument why the march was happening. Mark Naison did an incredible rap on corporate reform. John Kuhn gave a riveting speech that I heard many people identify as their favorite. Kuhn reminded people that public schools take ALL students, not just the ones who are easy to education. He said he was proud to be unacceptable (the label bestowed on Texas schools when they don't meet