Thursday, July 14, 2011

State Board of Education gets tough with SIG | Thoughts on Public Education

State Board of Education gets tough with SIG | Thoughts on Public Education

State Board of Education gets tough with SIG - by Kathryn Baron

In a day fraught with finger-pointing and defensiveness, the State Board of Education (SBE) on Wednesday put 90* schools on notice that their second-year funding for the federal School Improvement Grant (SIG) program is not a sure thing. Faced with what State Board President Michael Kirst termed a “searing” report from the U.S. Education Department, the [...]

California’s 2nd-grade tests provide vital information; don’t end them - by James Lanich

California legislators may be making a fateful decision that will have a dire effect on our state’s schoolchildren. California has among the finest academic standards of any state. For the past 11 years, these standards have become useful tools as students from second grade through high school have taken the California Standards Test (CST) each spring [...]