Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch All Things Education: Restrictive and Inappropriate: How High-stakes Testing & NCLB Abuse Sped Students

All Things Education: Restrictive and Inappropriate: How High-stakes Testing & NCLB Abuse Sped Students

Restrictive and Inappropriate: How High-stakes Testing & NCLB Abuse Sped Students

Friends of the the SOS March & National Call to Action blogged all this month about why they were marching in DC July 30th. And, today, we marched! I never wrote a post of my own, but this guest post by Chaya Rubenstein provides at least one reason for why I marched today and why I will continue to fight for real reform: federal education policy under Presidents W. Bush and now Obama such as NCLB and RTTT, and particularly high-stakes testing, are undermining quality public education. The effects of these policies on special education students are especially harmful and the special ed community has been especially under-represented (I, for example, have not blogged much at all about sped issues).

Chaya is a retired special education teacher, and is a vice president of Professionals in Learning Disabilities &