Friday, July 15, 2011

Sorry kissfan. Senate Bill 7 is still bad news. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Sorry kissfan. Senate Bill 7 is still bad news. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Sorry kissfan. Senate Bill 7 is still bad news.

There is a good report on the Edelman affair by David Singiser at Daily Kos.

In the comment section, an anonymous poster with the handle “kissfan” writes:

I urge you all to read the statement issued jointly by the IEA, IFT and the CTU (pdf). Don’t rely solely on the “Fred Klonsky Blog.” Fred is a disgruntled IEA member intent on tearing down the organization’s leadership criticizing them at every turn. Yet Mr. Klonsky doesn’t run for any IEA leadership positions as he’s more than content to remain behind his keyboard where he can pretend to be important. He immediately jumps on anything critical of the IEA and runs with it