Sunday, July 10, 2011

Schools Matter: The Whale Coughs Up Jonah to Do Damage Control

Schools Matter: The Whale Coughs Up Jonah to Do Damage Control

The Whale Coughs Up Jonah to Do Damage Control

Photo by George Schmidt for Substance News (Jonah the Day He Got Made and Swallowed)

The Oligarchs' lawyers were up late last night spinning a line of contrition for the arrogant a-hole, Jonah Edelman, after his 14 minutes of fame that was publicized days ago by George Schmidt at Substance News in Chicago and Susan Ohanian and later picked up by Fred Klonsky. Here is one example of, first, Jonah today, and, second, Jonah a few days ago, as the Prince of Neoliberal Arrogance said what he really meant:

Jonah today, upon emerging from the belly of one pissed-off whale:
Chicago Public Schools will be able to lengthen its school day and school year in order to give