Tuesday, July 12, 2011

School Tech Connect: Let's Fax The Governor

School Tech Connect: Let's Fax The Governor

Let's Fax The Governor

There's so much going on right now, it's hard to keep up, but the PURE is asking folks to contact the governor regarding SB 630, which is desperately needed in Chicago. If you need me to send a fax on your behalf, just email me your note to the governor and I'll send if off. Mine couldn't have been any simpler; I pretty much just used Julie's suggestions.

This is one of those Illinois things, so forgive me. Our city's district has a hugely opaque process on closing schools and deciding who's going to get what and when. It's traditionally been influenced by politics. This bill requires the district to come up with a facilities plan. You know, like a normal place where they elect the school board.